Get instant gSquare estimates and accurate gPro models. Sign up for Geospan, add a payment method, and make your first order.
Sign up
When you sign up for Geospan, you do so as an individual or as a member of an organization or company.
✓ If you are an individual, not associated with a company or organization, see Signing up with Geospan: new users.
✓ If you are a member of a company or organization, see Adding users: account holder user management.
Add a payment method
To order gSquare estimates and accurate gPro models, set a payment method.
✓ If you are an individual, not associated with a company or organization, see Paying for an order: Geospan account holder payment methods.
✓ If you are a member of a company or organization, your organization's Geospan account holder can confirm that a payment method is in place.
Order your first model
With a login and an account, you're ready to make your first order.
✓ To get an instant gSquare estimate, see Ordering a gSquare model: instant estimates.
✓ To order an interactive 3D roof model, see Ordering a gPro model: accurate 3D roof models.
We're here to help
Questions? Issues? We'd be pleased to help you get started. For all of the ways to contact us, see Contacting Geospan: email, website, phone.