Contacting Geospan: email, website, phone

Need a hand? Let us answer your question. Contact us through email, our website, or with a phone call. We'll respond shortly after you reach out.


Send an email to and a member of our Customer Success team will be in contact with you shortly.


Navigate to the heading and select the Contact tab. Enter in your contact information and your request, and a member of our Customer Success team will be in contact with you shortly. 

From the Customer Home Page 

Navigate to the Customer Home Page and select the Support tab. Enter in your contact information and your request, and a member of our Customer Success team will be in contact with you shortly.Picture16

Need to speak with someone right away? 

Call us at 1-800-GEOSPAN (that’s 1-800-436-7726). Select the relevant support option from the voice menu and you will be forwarded to the appropriate member of our Customer Service team. 

Need to reach our sales team? 

Send an email to and a member of our sales team will be in contact with you shortly.