Ordering a gSquare measurement: instant estimates

Order a roof estimate in seconds.

Before you begin 

Before you begin ordering estimates through gSquare, confirm the following:

Order a gSquare estimate 

  1. Select Get a gSquare Estimate from the Customer Home Page.
  2. Enter your property details into the address bar.
  3. Confirm the location of your property and select the footprint corresponding to that property to pull the gSquare estimate. If your building does not have a footprint, we are unable to provide you with a gSquare estimate.

If you are satisfied with your gSquare estimate, consider upgrading to a 99% accurate gPro 3D Model by selecting Upgrade to gPro Model.

Note: Geospan does not compile a history of your past gSquare estimates for your viewing. If you would like to access a previous gSquare estimate, reenter the desired address again from the New gSquare Estimate page. You will not be charged for ordering the same address multiple times with gSquare.