Paying for an order: Geospan account holder payment methods

Before ordering Geospan products, Account Holders must add a payment method. Here, we walk you through adding and removing payment methods.

Before you begin

Important: Only Account Holders may access and edit the Payment Methods page. If you are an Associate User and you would like to adjust the payment methods, contact your company's account holder.

Before you begin adding or removing payment methods, confirm the following: 

Adding a payment method

  1. On your Customer Home Page, select Payment methods under Account.
  2. Next, select the “+ Add Payment Method” button.
  3. Add your credit card information, then select Save

A pop-up notification confirms that your card was successfully added. Your Payment Methods page updates with your added credit card information.

Removing a payment method 

  1. On your Customer Home Page, select Payment methods under Account.
  2. Select the Delete Payment Method trash can icon for the credit card you would like removed.
  3. Confirm Yes, Delete Payment Method.

A pop-up notification confirms that your card was successfully removed. Your Payment Methods page no longer lists that credit card information.

Frequently Asked Questions 

I have added a credit card to my company’s Geospan account, can my Associate Users select and use this payment method when ordering gSquare or gPro products? 

Yes, although Associate Users cannot edit the Payment Methods Page as explained above, they are able to select and use any credit card that your Account Holder has added to your company’s account.